Chrome and Firefox will remove FTP support in browser
Upcoming change in how files stored on FTP servers are rendered in the browser may be the first step in its ultimate removal.
Hundreds of popular sites will be blocked in the new Chrome 70
The new browser version will not support old Symantec security certificates.
Google wants to display URLs without subdomains
In the new Chrome 69 Google decided to simplify the display of URLs in the browser address bar.
Google will block third-party software from injecting code into Chrome
Google says that changes will take place in three main phases over the 14 months from April 2018.
Gmail will stop working in Chrome browser for Windows XP and Vista
Gmail online service will show a message warning about the termination of support for Chrome browser older versions. Due to significant changes relating to safety you have to download the 55-th Chrome update to continue using mail services.
PDF + Google Chrome vulnerability
PDFium is a component of the Chrome web browser designed to display PDF documents. The vulnerability has been found in it, which allows to include dangerous code into a PDF file, and execute code by simply viewing a PDF.